Friday, August 17, 2012

We're Bringing Culture Back

Nelson Island School works very hard at making sure students do not lose their cultural identities while being exposed to our Western ways - Western teachers, English language, commercialization, etc.  We have adopted a dual language program, so that on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, a majority of speech should be in Yugtun (pronounced youkton, meaning Yupik in Yupik!). The pledge, lunch menu, and announcements are all done in Yupik, as well as greetings to each other (which is about the most I can handle right now - Wagaa - hello!).  And quyana (koi-on-a) - thank you!

Every Friday elders from the community come to the school to speak to the students about different subjects, then dance with them for about 15 minutes.  Today they spoke about the importance of an education, and to stay away from drugs and alcohol. The elders speak in Yugtun, while the students take notes in English. When it was time for dancing, I jumped right in with the high schoolers, but quickly moved to the back of the room when I was again reminded what an uncoordinated clod I was.  But seriously, the movements are fairly straight forward - it's more learning the sequence they are in, so I should be able to pick this up after several Fridays. 

These aren't the greatest photos - but you get the idea.  There will be dance festivals with costumes I will get pictures of later in the year.




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