Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Little Appreciation Goes a Long Way

I am a big believer that if you enjoy where you work, you will give it your all...  One of my goals as administrator is to build team camaraderie, and make all the teachers feel valued and want to come to school on a daily basis.

A couple of years ago when I was a new teacher at Burchell High School, someone slipped me a little welcome baggie - full of basic essentials, like erasers, stickies and gum.  It was greatly appreciated (especially about mid-year one day when I was in desparate need of some breath freshening!).
So I set about to put together some "Teacher Survival Kits" for my own staff here. 

Before I left Wasilla, I gathered items - many from the dollar bins at Target, and more from the clearance racks at Michaels.  I brought it all with me in a tub unassembled.

I printed the tags out on white but backed them with school-themed paper. They said:

             Teacher Survival Kit
Rubber Bands – To STRETCH your mind
and remind you to be FLEXIBLE.
Chewing Gum – To help you STICK TO IT.
Band Aids – To help HEAL the hurts.
Tissues – To wipe away the fears (and tears).
Paper Clip – To help you keep it TOGETHER.
Eraser – To remind you that everyone makes mistakes.
Post It
Notes and Pencil – To jot down your best IDEAS,
and remember COMMUNICATION is key.
Highlighter – To remind you to highlight the POSITIVE.
Stamp and Pad – Give PRAISE abundantly.
Laffy Taffy – Because a sense of HUMOR goes a long way,
Trail Mix – Some days will be nuts, but remember:
             Tomorrow is a NEW DAY.

 And on the back had "Have a Great Year.  Remember - My Door is Always Open."  I wrote their names on the little "chalkboard" on each can - and I think they came out really cute.

For the class aides, of which there are many here, I filled small clear plastic bags with Lifesaver and Starburst candies with the tag:

Welcome to a New Year
at Nelson Island School!

Remember – you are a huge LIFE SAVER!
Here’s that extra BURST
of energy for when you need it!

I’m really looking forward
 to working with you! – Andrea

Hopefully, a small treat will start to set the tone for a great school year!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. Wonder if I should do something like this for the new teachers that came to us this year! do you mind if I copy you!? Trish
